Yo, listen up, let me drop some knowledge,
‘Bout legal lingo, ain’t just for college.

First off, we got the legal definition of religion,
Protecting rights, avoiding collision.

If you wanna be a contractor, all legit,
You need a general contractor license in Colorado, that’s the strict.

When you seal the deal, make it official,
With a definitive agreement, nothing superficial.

For IT consulting, gotta cover all bases,
Use a contract sample, no empty spaces.

Watermark your work, make it special,
With a legal watermark, no need to wrestle.

In Ireland, being a judge, ain’t no caprice,
You’ll get a high court judge salary, no decrease.

Buy tobacco in Nevada, be prepared,
Need to know the legal age, can’t be impaired.

Take a minor in law at Carleton, a thrill,
Learn about the law minor, get that skill.

St. Augustine offers legal aid,
Expert assistance, no need to be afraid.

For starting a business, here’s the plan,
Know the legal requirements, be the man.

So there you have it, the legal rap,
Now you’re ready to go, no need to nap.